Our Story

How it all started...

April of 2012 began Live One truth Ministries when a friend invited Pastor Kevin to minister a remote video morning bible study overseas from Ohio, USA. They happened to be a group of athletes, coaches and Doctors at an elite athletic training facility in Moscow, Russia.
That morning, Pastor Kevin ministered that God's love was real for them, and to accept His touch.  The power of God was great with many signs, wonders and miracles, resulting in hundreds of people being saved, delivered and changed as they encountered the presence of the living God!
A move of God spread, as the people went out telling others of God restoring, and setting them free.  
This bible study became an outreach building up a community of strong believers in the Moscow area growing into  about 200 people, over a years time.
Pastor Kevin and Bianca started a training center that taught the bible basics, Healing, faith and active  evangelism to these athletes and communiity.  During this time Kevin and Bianca learned many techniques in training athletes from these coaches that were among the top of  sport training in the world. Many of the techniques learned are being used today in conjunction with bible based principles in one of the areas of ministry called Power Sports International-reaching athletes ametuer to professional.
From 2012 to 2014 the community increased in size, and outreach ministry began to spread through out Asia and Europe teaching  and equipping others to mobilize in Kingdom  ministry. Outreaches included building orphanages, training centers for evangelism, healing centers, and rescue and relief to victims of sex trafficking and child slavery.
In 2014 this original group, once athletes, master of sport began evangelizing every where and became our first students in our school for pastoral, ministers training center. It was designed  to teach, and unite many churches/pastors needing help to raise up the willing to go do  outreach ministry we were coming in contact with.  we were unable to travel there to setup the ministry tag that time in person,  but God showed us how to use technology to our advantage and reach to every corner that we were not able to be physically at.  With the right equipment we have remotely ministered, establish  ministries and taught the world go in 5 countries. Many of the meetings are even held in the streets, reaching thousands like a giant flash mob event for God.  On to many account to mention, the local tv stations broadcasted us to the entire region. allowing thousands to be lead top the Lord.  One individual  who was touched and delivered at one of the meetings retired and donated all of there life investments saved,  setup a Trust and joined the original group committed to full time ministry who were believing God for the funds. A Trust fund was established in Europe in order to continue the works through out Asia and Europe running today. We have reached out in 5 countries, united and restored broken churches, raised 250 pastors,  and established 5 churches with buildings in Kenya, Africa, and André Pradesh, India.  We have deep-rooted friendships and  pastoral relations in the Andhra Pradesh, India regions, Bungoma, Kenya, and Esbjerg, Denmark preaching and teaching, raising up strong leaders to impact the regions. We praise God for all the Salvations, Holy Spirit filling, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, curses broken , The Joy of the Lord,  families restored. It has been a privilege to see hundreds trained in the word of God to win souls for the kingdom in ministry as well as everyday life have become the fruit of The Grace Life poured out.
Over the years, Kevin and Bianca have continued to reach all over the world , spreading God’s word teaching and raising God fearing, Kingdom minded people every where possible, proclaiming the name of Jesus! Many have come to our outreach received training and went out. To the glory of God.  We know it is the power of God and not us. If we are anything it is because of God, and what He can do!

"Go into all the world, local or remote, and change the world for God, One soul at a time."

Pastor Kevin and Bianca are in Westerville, Ohio with a vision to become ground zero for God’s army of revival and power to the lost and dying.  Pastor Kevin and Bianca endeavor to empower those saved to live the life of salvation in a community that protects and demonstrates the Grace of God living in the anointing always. Pastor Kevin and Bianca purpose to further local and worldwide vision through mobilizing new leaders to go and be leaders to serve others in the Kingdom of God.
One aspect of impact for Kevin and Bianca has been to reach athletes all over the world. This is a continual element and focus of outreach with Power Sports International that Live One Truth aims to support mainly with strong community, Godly counsel, and encouraging athletes to find their power and life in God. They still can use their talents competing as God’s people. Confident in their identity God gave them in salvation and not idols of medals, titles, or performance. Identity anointed by God leads to powerful testimonies and opens a way to touch others with boldness and zeal.
Further reaching outreach in to the body of Christ comes with Health, wholeness, and agriculture outreach.   Taking care of our temples ensures we can continue the race God has set out for each of us and not faint.
There is no doubt that we live in uncertain times and the opportunity for distraction, offense and isolation abound. However, that is not God’s desire, nor does it benefit humanity in any way.  Christian community is the biblical connect for today's Christians to thrive, not survive.  In connection with each other, we have opportunity to best express God’s love, empower each other to fulfill destiny and build up one another to withstand adversity. The church as a community practicing Grace and sharing it is good armor against every enemy... and good soil for transformative growth. We look to be good seed, good waters, and good harvesters. Whether at our local community, or abroad ministering, building up the church for the end time harvest through Grace is our heart.

Expanding the vision...

Uphold the vision of the pastors and see others place in that vision. It is not about one mans king the world but all of us together winning souls for the kingdom. For the community to have place to expand their talents, strong valued fellowship, praise and worship, the teaching of the Word of God, powerful prayer, and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit.  Events  designed with evangelism and discipleship in mind.  For members to  will have the opportunity to bring unsaved friends and family who will hear the good news and can be taught how to become a follower of Christ.

Where we are headed...

Raise up a passion for souls and a passion to revive and mobilize the body of Christ. Helping members to see where they can use there talents to empower others in the gospel in the community at Live One Truth and speak that to the world.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.