"Whatever He says to You Do It" -1

by Wanda Brown

“Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” John 2:19.

Marj was a 7 year old girl. 4th in the line of 5 children. She loved reading and was usually doing just that while her siblings played outside. On just such a day her mom instructed Marj to go outside and tell her siblings it was time to come in the house. She did just that and her siblings responded, “Ok!”, but kept right on playing. Moments later Mom told Marj to tell the children she said to come in now! So Marj, being obedient, went out and told the others, “Momma said, Come in the house now!” “We’re coming!”, they shouted back at her and called her a snitch. Although they didn’t move right away, they eventually came into the house. After dinner, when the chores were all done, it was time for tv and dessert. It was ice cream night and when mom came in with the ice cream there was only one bowl and she gave it to Marj. The others got upset, protested saying, 'she didn’t say that you meant right now!’, ‘I didn’t hear her call us in!’ and cried for ice cream. Instead they had to get baths and go to bed, while Marj enjoyed tv and her ice cream reward for her obedience to what her mother told her to say and do.

“Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” John 2:19
Oftentimes this statement is read as though Jesus was saying “if” you destroy this temple. But that is not at all how He was expressing this event. Jesus, when he spoke these words, knew who he was and why he was here on earth. He knew the death he was facing, the burial, and the resurrection to return to the Father. So He was not just simply making a statement. He was giving a command. He was declaring the truth. Jesus was giving command according to what the Father had said. He commanded them to destroy his physical body, and let them know, He would raise it up in 3 days. He had purpose and He spoke the truth and declared what the Father had spoken to him, about him, therefore taking position as the Messiah.

Were the hearers listening and willing to accept the truth? Did they have their spiritual ears on or did they allow the filter of their imaginations of what they thought they knew determine the meaning of what Jesus was saying?
 Verse 20 says, “They replied, ‘It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?’  By their mind’s eye they spoke of a building, but by the Spirit, the temple Jesus had spoken of was his body.”

“Do you not know that your body is (the) temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you which you have of God; and you are not your own?”  (I Cor 6:19)

When called to testify the false witnesses told conflicting stories based on their interpretation of what they thought Jesus meant.  They mocked Him, they told lies, and they accused him. (Mathew 26:61, 27:40; Mark 14:58 and 15:29)
But that did not stop Jesus.  He knew his authority and the power that worked within him. He continued sharing the truth, speaking what the Father said, giving command of the word to fulfill His purpose, that the Father may be glorified.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten-Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have life eternal. (John 3:16). Jesus was determined to Glorify the Father at any cost, even at the cost of his own life. So that we may live eternally with them.

Be encouraged!
 Speak the Word of the Father. Be bold to speak the truth. No matter how people may mock you, tell lies against you, be in disbelief or persecute you. Stand in the authority and with the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Continue the good work He has begun in you until the day of Christ Jesus. Those who have ears to hear will hear and obey what God has said. Give to them and let them see Jesus, that the Father may be glorified!  Eternal life will be the reward for all.

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